Since the beginning of the pandemic I wanted to write about the way people go about wearing their mask. I came across a post on mastodon where a hotelier put out an ad with the heading "You are free to wear the mask or not at our establishment". To start with majority of we humans, have lost the art of empathetic thought. We either are in our own theoretical world or are so practical that we forgot the fellow human beings are also humans. The other humans just dwindle out from our thought. We have forgotten to value the other people's ideals. We have become self-centric. Now, the problem with this selfish attitude is it is not boding well in the present pandemic. In fact this facet is exposed to the highest.
We have nay-Sayers for each and every issue in the world. Thought the ISS is beaming pictures of the earth 24 hours a day, we have nay-Sayers saying that the earth is flat. This number is not negligible and this number is highest in the richer nations with better education and information availability. Let us start with the farmer. Everything starts from the energy source, so let us start from here. The farmer is doing things which is natural and suddenly decides he is going to harvest his crop, pluck the fruit. He will not wash his hands. why? why not? He is free to do it. He thinks that all the micro organisms are good for the living beings. For him harmful and beneficial germs are the same. He does not know of any damage to anybody eating his food. Come on, How many have died of this? He would say that he did not eat it the proper way(You are not holding the iphone properly). It next goes to the storage. Here again, few operators are very particular about cleaning, while others are not and consider that this level of cleanliness is not required. They dont clean the containers, they dont wash their hands at all. Why, why not, they are free to do so arent they? You cannot find out whether all the operators of the stores are germ free while handling. This boils down to the operators only. And definitely in that crowd there will be nay-Sayers.
Now, the product goes to the processing industry, they have not cleaned their machinery since they started the facility. Why? They are bribing the testing crew. So what, they can clean the facility based on logic. Yes, they can, but they have their own logic. They see that nobody has reported sick because of their facility. If at all some die, what does it matter, it is a very small count. Now, let us come to the restaurant. Here again, the cleaners decide that they will clean, when they think that the containers have to be cleaned. Not before every time a dish is prepared. Why, why not? Let us come to the last level in this journey.
The customer. He walks in. He has not cleaned his hands, his shoes are dirty. He comes in and digs in all the while assuming that the entire chain of people responsible for him to have that meal have maintained utmost cleanliness. Why did he come to this particular place. He thought they are clean. Later he may fall sick. But he will not be able to attribute it to the food he had in the restaurant. Why, because he is not thinking about cleanliness and he is thinking that others will take care of it. He is thinking that the human hands have got magical cells which kill all the bad agents. So, what he does is crosses his hands on his shirt and thinks that they are clean. He thinks that food is clean by default. He thinks he fell ill, because for him falling ill is like sun rising and setting. routine.
This pandemic is different. It has taken this nay-saying to a new level. There are theories stating that the virus beating capability is embedded in humans. Yes sir. It may be. But the capability of this immune system is varying from person to person. So, by experience if you have decided that you are the one blessed with such an immune system, We the weaker ones request you to please allow us a chance to survive this pandemic. Please, with sugar on top, wear a mask. You are saving many lives including yours.
There are no studies which prove that wearing a mask will reduce the oxygen intake. The human body knows how to increase the oxygen intake. It will make you breathe harder and breathe in longer. It will make you yawn. Wear a mask. For any infection to occur, the payload of the attacking micro-organism is a very important factor. Wear a mask to ensure that the payload of viruses you are breathing out is muted by the mask. This will give the lesser mortals an opportunity to survive that contact. You are a nay-Sayer and dont want to take a vaccine. All right, as we have discussed you are free to do so, until you are free to to do that.
But, no, you have to wear a mask. No, not any mask, a proper one. It should mute the amount of virus emanating from your breath. You never know, it might also limit the amount of virus payload you breathe in and might keep it just below the threshold limit of your immune system. It is a win-win situation. Use re-usable masks. Our planet is already full of these masks. Let us reduce the burden on our planet. Let us live to clean this planet and bring it back to its good old days. Let us give our children what we cherished. Let us not just talk about the good old days. Let us survive and re-create the same for our children.
Let us all, live. Wear a Mask, A proper one.
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Nobody can deter me away from "free as in freedom" concept seeded by Sri RMS. See to it that u dont make fun of my belief. If u think otherwise, no need to comment.